Support Group for Parents and Teachers



Rambling -- wandering around and off the subject. Using far-fetched examples or analogies.


o Ask how topic relates to current topic being discussed.
o Direct questions to group that is back on the subject
o Refocus attention by restating relevant point.
o Say: "Would you summarize your main point please?" or "Are you asking...?"
o Use visual aids, begin to write on board, turn on overhead projector.


Shyness or Silence -- lack of participation.


o Appoint to be small group leader.
o Change teaching strategies from group discussion to individual written exercises or a videotape
o Give strong positive reinforcement for any contribution.
o Involve by directly asking him/her a question.
o Make eye contact.


Talkativeness -- knowing everything, manipulation, chronic whining.


o Acknowledge comments made.
o Give limited time to express viewpoint or feelings, and then move on.
o Give the person individual attention during breaks.
o Make eye contact with another participant and move toward that person.
o Say: "That's an interesting point. Now let's see what other other people think."


Sharpshooting -- trying to shoot you down or trip you up.


o Acknowledge that this is a joint learning experience.
o Admit that you do not know the answer and redirect the question the group or the individual who asked it.
o Ignore the behavior.


Heckling/Arguing -- disagreeing with everything you say; making personal attacks.


o Acknowledge positive points.
o Recognize participant's feelings and move one.
o Redirect question to group or supportive individuals.
o Say: "I appreciate your comments, but I'd like to hear from others," or "It looks like we disagree."


Grandstanding -- getting caught up in one's own agenda or thoughts to the detriment of other learners.


o Say: "You are entitled to your opinion, belief or feelings, but now it's time we moved on to the next subject," or "Can you restate that as a question?" or "We'd like to hear more about that if there is time after the presentation."


Overt Hostility/Resistance -- angry, belligerent, combative behavior.


o Allow individual to solve the problem being addressed. He or she may not be able to offer solutions and will sometimes undermine his or her own position.
o Always allow him or her a way to gracefully retreat from the confrontation.
o As a last resort, privately ask the individual to leave class for the good of the group.
o Do not accept the premise or underlying assumption, if it is false or prejudicial, e.g., "If by "queer" you mean homosexual..."
o Don't disagree, but build on or around what has been said.
o Hostility can be a mask for fear. Reframe hostility as fear to depersonalize it.
o Ignore behavior.
o Move closer to the hostile person, maintain eye contact.
o Remain calm and polite. Keep your temper in check.
o Respond to fear, not hostility.
o Say: "You seem really angry. Does anyone else feel this way?" Solicit peer pressure.
o Talk to him or her privately during a break.


Griping -- maybe legitimate complaining.


o Indicate time pressure.
o Indicate you'll discuss the problem with the participant privately.
o Point out that we can't change policy here.
o Validate his/her point.


Side Conversations -- may be related to subject or personal. Distracts group members and you.


o Ask talkers if they would like to share their ideas.
o Ask their opinion on topic being discussed.
o Casually move toward those talking.
o Comment on the group (but don't look at them "one-at-a-time").
o Don't embarrass talkers.
o Make eye contact with them.
o Standing near the talkers, ask a near-by participant a question so that the new discussion is near the talkers.
o As a last resort, stop and wait.


• Allow children to save face. When we put children down in front of others, the entire class of children will turn against us.
• Do all you can to feel good about yourself and others on a daily basis. Your attitude will come across to your children, so it is important to be in good mental and physical shape.
• If, by chance, you feel that you have spoken sharply in an attempt to manager your children, own up to it. "Wow, that sounded harsh. Forgive me!"
• Instead of holding your children with an iron grip, allow them to be themselves until (and unless) their behavior distracts you or others in the class.
• Remind yourself: "If teaching were easy, everyone would be doing it." Teaching in front of a classroom full of children can be challenging, but on the other hand, very rewarding!
• Use classroom management techniques before you become irritated, impatient or upset. We are much more powerful when we are centered, when we like our children, and when we view our children with fondness rather than impatience.
• When you notice unproductive behavior, nip it in the bud. Otherwise, you send a clear message to the children that it's OK for them to talk while you are talking, etc.

==> My Out-of-Control Child: Parenting and Teaching Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder

* ODD Support Group for Parents and Teachers

Teacher's Success Story

Jake arrived at school after the school year was already underway. It should have come as no real surprise that he showed up at our door, since he has been enrolled in several schools -- including ours once before -- in the past two years. The word was out that, while enrolled in his last school, Jake had accumulated an impressive record of poor academics and behavior. In one incident, he threw a chair at his teacher.

Soon after arriving at our school, Jake was assessed by the school support team and introduced to our class. He entered our classroom with his low-slung pants, exaggerated "gangsta" walk and mannerisms, a lousy attitude, and an enormous chip on his shoulder.

Six weeks later, he announced to our class, "At first Miss S was my worst enemy; today she is my best friend."


Miss Stevens used a variety of strategies to reach out to Jake and bring about the transformation described. Her first purposeful move was to reach out to Jake’s mother and make her an ally.

Jake’s mother, for a variety of reasons, had a lot of antagonism toward schools in general and toward our school in particular. For that reason, Miss Stevens had to focus on separating herself from the problems Jake’s mother perceived. It was important for Jake’s mother to know that Jake was his teacher’s primary concern, not previous issues with other teachers, children, or the school.

Miss Stevens’ years of teaching experience had taught her that no youngster is “all bad,” and that all parents need and deserve to hear positive things about the kids they love. She provided Jake’s mother with a regular flow of information. Whenever possible, that information celebrated news of good behavior and positive effort.

It wasn’t long before Jake’s mother began to respond to the conversations Miss Stevens initiated. Many people were surprised when Jake’s mother showed up at school for a scheduled conference -- after a string of no-shows for previous conferences. Miss Stevens’ effort to keep Jake’s mother informed -- always done with respect and courtesy -- had paid off, it seemed. She showed up at the conference because she felt “safe,” confident that she would not be attacked or blamed or put on the spot.


With help from the school’s support staff, Jake soon had a chart on which his behavior was recorded at regular intervals during the day. Like all the other children in Miss Stevens’ class, Jake also had a "goal card;" punches on his goal card provided quick reinforcement of good decisions and behaviors throughout the day. Special attention was paid to Jake’s behavior during recess, lunch, and such special classes as art, music, and PE; historically, those less structured parts of the day had been problem times for Jake.

In Miss Stevens’ classroom, a completed goal card carries a reward. Jake usually chooses one particular reward -- the one that allows him to be Miss Stevens’ “teacher’s assistant” (TA) for a day. All the children understand the importance of that job. They know how Miss Stevens relies on her TAs. TAs wear special nametags and sit in a place of importance by her desk. They perform important tasks, including some simple discipline tasks such as rewarding "reading pillows" to those who are on task during literacy time.

When Jake chooses to be a TA, he takes pride in handling the job seriously. Most importantly, he seems to identify with the teacher’s role in helping children learn and behave responsibly. As a TA, Jake has come to understand that he and his peers bring problems on themselves when they make poor choices.


Miss Stevens uses another intervention with children that I call "heart-to-heart talks.” During her heart-to-hearts with Jake, she always makes certain he understands that she likes him very much -- even though she might not always like his behavior. She lets him know that her responses to his behavior are part of her job. It is her responsibility to make him a better student and help him learn. He might be angry about what she has to do, and he might even be angry at her for doing it, but she always takes time to remind him that she is not angry at him and that she cares about him. She tells him this even when he seems to be tuned out or is having a bad day.

From time to time, Stevens announces to Jake, “I'm so glad you're in my class.” And she means it! Now I'm willing to bet that's something he's never heard before!

This is not to say that Jake doesn't still test Miss Stevens by acting out occasionally, but he is learning that she does not give up on him. She holds high expectations for him, and she lets him know that she thinks he is capable of living up to those expectations.

Miss Stevens works on the premise that all kids need and deserve physical affection too. She makes sure Jake receives his share of shoulder-to-shoulder hugs, back and shoulder pats, and plenty of high-fives and smiles. In the beginning, Jake seemed a bit uncomfortable with that kind of attention and would stiffen his body. Miss Stevens didn’t react to that rejection, however. She knew his reaction might be caused by pent-up anger. Perhaps he reacted that way because accepting such attention was counter to the “tough guy” image he attempted to put up. Or maybe he just didn’t know how to respond. But it wasn’t long before Jake relaxed. Maybe other students’ responses to Miss Stevens’ physical attention modeled the appropriate behavior for Jake. In any case, now Jake even initiates high-fives!


In the classroom, Miss Stevens teaches all children to understand the behavior of their peers, especially those who might regularly exhibit poor behavior. She even enlists students’ help in applauding one another’s successes and mentoring each other to make the best choices.

Recently, during reading time, Jake and a group of his peers were discussing a passage about learning from mistakes. In the group, Jake volunteered that he has had to learn things "the hard way." Miss Stevens didn’t just let that revelation pass. She picked up on Jake’s comment. She was frank with the class about how difficult his student record had been and how hard he was working to improve it. The children picked up on the pride in her voice, and they echoed it to him. In addition, Miss Stevens regularly has Jake stand on his chair to receive special recognition from the class for a job well done.

Jake still makes mistakes. He still makes bad choices sometimes. But he is shedding his "bad boy" label as Miss Stevens continues to search for and refine ways to reach him and other troublesome children in her class.

* ODD Support Group for Parents and Teachers